Feedback is really Important!

The Marketing Team
Feedback is really Important!

At J&P we strive to keep good working relationships with our existing customers and our new and prospective customers, if you think we are doing something great, then, please let us know by clicking the feedback link on our emails and website, it’ll only take a couple of minutes.  More importantly, if we are doing something wrong, please let us know too, because if you don’t tell us we can’t fix it.  We work hard at trying to be the “Complete Solution for the Caring Professional” It’s not a mantle we have taken lightly; we promise to keep our word!  Just take a look at our Price Promise for 2016 to see exactly what we mean. 

You have probably noticed on our email signatures we have invested in the 3 Face Feedback,  just click on the face that best explains how you felt about our service after dealing with one of our team members.

We look forward to continuing our great service to you and remember 'if you dont like how we did something, tell us, if we dont know we cant fix it' -  REMEMBER It's our favourite saying!

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